
Why is sleep important?

Studies show that 80% of individuals with a mental health diagnosis also have underlying sleep disturbance.1 Adequate sleep is essential to mental and emotional regulation. During sleep, the brain creates new pathways, processes information, and regenerates the brain and body. Research has linked inadequate sleep to a myriad of issues, including: depression, anxiety, PTSD symptoms,… Continue reading Why is sleep important?

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Lessons from Substance Abuse Users

Substance Abuse Users Recently my church has posted on LDS.org some unedited, authentic videos on The Twelve Steps. Those who suffer from addictions tell the story in a humble, honest way: see (http://www.mormonchannel.org/12steps). Even I, a person familiar with this topic, cried during every video.  Please offer this to your members if they are suffering… Continue reading Lessons from Substance Abuse Users

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Shame vs Guilt

Shame vs. Guilt Shame is highly correlated with depression, low self-worth, addictions ( substance abuse and sexual addiction), and eating disorders The difference between guilt and toxic shame can be described this way: Guilt is a healthy emotion that lets us know that our behavior did not match our values, so our BEHAVIOR needs to… Continue reading Shame vs Guilt

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