Anxiety Therapy near Houston in The Woodlands, League City & Midland TX

What is anxiety? Isn't it just a natural part of life?

“I’ve forgotten what it’s like to just live in the moment without overthinking every decision or word I say, or how others feel about me. I feel pulled in a hundred different directions worrying about what might happen or go wrong, and I’m paralyzed by the fear that nothing I do will be the right thing to do.”

When did life get so hard? 

It feels like overnight, the demands and pressures of everyday living snowballed into a mountain of responsibilities for you to climb–alone, and weighted down by the expectations of others and yourself. Everyday tasks feel incredibly overwhelming, and even social gatherings and relationships feel like mine fields. You experience the heaviness of these feelings in your heart, mind, and body, as you are plagued by overthinking, self-doubt, worry, irritability, emotional overwhelm, racing thoughts, and tension. You just want to experience the peace and confidence that you see in those around you. You wish things felt easier, that you could just be in the moment, and not have to worry about what comes next.

Living with anxiety feels like an invisible weight that never quite lifts. Your heart races, you find yourself tearing up without warning, a disarming sense of dread persists in the background of your mind, and you feel on edge and over-sensitive to everything around you, often leading to irritability and frustration. You may find yourself snapping at loved ones, or withdrawing from them entirely because of the exhaustion you feel from overthinking and over-analyzing every interaction, no matter how small. You feel caught in an endless loop of self-doubt, worry, second guessing, and decision fatigue as you strive to think through every possible outcome for every scenario. You just don’t want to be caught off guard and feel out of control. You feel isolated, detached, unfulfilled, and unsupported. You don’t even know where to begin to ask for what it is you need, or what that might be. 

Why is this happening?

Believe it or not, anxiety developed to protect you. It can alert you to potential dangers and gives you the ability to react quickly and navigate uncertain situations. However, anxiety, unchecked, puts you at war with your mind. It calls into question everything you believe about yourself, and what you fear others believe about you. It casts a long shadow of distrust over all interactions leading you to believe you are too sensitive, too emotional, too much, and a burden to others. 

It erodes your self-confidence, making you question your worth. It makes it hard to really assess what others think about you and to trust their intentions in relationships with you. They say they care about you, and they may even show it in many ways, yet you have a hard time believing someone could really care for you in your current state. You just wish you could see what they say they see, that you could remember the person you were before anxiety took over. 

You don’t want to fear your anxiety anymore, you want to navigate it, to harness it and use it to create the life you want, instead of allowing it to hold you prisoner even a moment longer. You will not let it determine your worth, your future, or your happiness. You have decided to take control back into your own hands, and to take the first step in creating the life you want to lead–a life of authenticity, presence, confidence, peace, and personal fulfillment in your career and relationships. We can help you make these goals a reality.

What could that even look like?

Imagine a world where you wake up in the morning excited about the day’s possibilities. You walk through the world confidently, knowing you can navigate any challenges that come your way. You feel secure and safe in the knowledge that your worth is not defined by how well you are perceived, or how effectively you function in any particular situation. You are enough as you are, and you are equipped to make the right decisions for your life and stand firm in your choices. 

You feel enjoyment as you interact with colleagues, friends, and loved ones as you exist wholly in the present moment you share with them, instead of attempting to predict or control the future. You lay your head down at night at peace, not needing to replay every interaction and not fretting about the day to come. 

You speak to yourself gently and with compassion, acknowledging and moving through missteps or miscommunications, like blades of glass falling through your fingertips. You can feel everything, without fear of it overwhelming you. You have learned the skills and insights to counteract the anxiety that once felt like such a powerful and insurmountable force in your life.. 

We can show you how.

We know it’s scary. Maybe it sounds impossible right now. We believe in you. You’re here. You’re reaching out. You have already proven that you are ready for a change, just by searching for a path to a better life. 

We have helped so many others that started right where you are, and we know how to support and guide you on this journey. We provide a free consultation to allow you to ask questions and discover how we can help you fulfill your goals and in doing so enhance your enjoyment of life. Let’s begin!

Symptoms of Anxiety:

While anxiety feels different for everyone, some of the symptoms often experienced include:

  • Feelings of nervousness, unease, fear, or panic despite no direct cause or of a higher intensity than the situation warrants
  • Avoidance of people, things, or situations because they invoke feelings of anxiety
  • Sleep disturbances (for example, insomnia and difficulty falling or staying asleep)
  • Headaches, backaches, or other aches and pains
  • Twitching, restlessness, inability to sit still
  • Muscle tension, tightness, and tingling, numbness of the hands or feet
  • Elevated heart rate, a "racing" pulse or pounding heart
  • Chest pains or tightness
  • Lightheadedness, dizziness, or nausea
  • Sweating, chills, or feeling flushed
  • Shortness of breath, shaking or trembling, choking, fear of dying
  • Feelings of unreality, of losing control or "going crazy"
  • Panic attacks: sudden, unexpected episodes of intense anxiety symptoms with physical and psychological manifestations

Types of Anxiety Disorders:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder:

Most of us have felt nervous or afraid at some point in our lives. Likewise, we struggle with life transitions, social situations, and the pressures of everyday life. However, excessive feelings of anxiety persisting longer than six months may indicate Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Panic Disorder:

People with panic disorder experience heart-pounding terror that strikes suddenly without warning. Because they cannot predict when a panic attack will seize them, many individuals live in constant fear that another one could overcome them at any moment.

Symptoms of panic disorder include:

  • Quickened heartbeat
  • Abnormal sweating
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Fear of losing control or "going crazy"
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Dizziness or faintness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Nausea or abdominal pain
  • Chills or hot flashes
  • Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (feeling detached from his or her self)
  • Persistent worry

Therapy for anxiety can help you overcome the fears that are holding you back.

When you’re tired of constantly feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and a sense of impending doom, it may be time to seek help. Anxiety can start as a minor worry before quickly spiraling into a cycle of negative thoughts. These thoughts can hold you back from living life to the fullest. Additionally, anxiety symptoms can disrupt your sleep and leave you feeling exhausted. If you constantly feel anxious and nervous and long for a few moments of peace, you may consider exploring options for anxiety therapy in Houston, TX. Our therapists can provide the support and guidance you need to manage and overcome your anxiety.

The Therapy for Families Approach to Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety treatment heals by teaching relaxation and coping skills. At the same time, therapy for anxiety involves pinpointing the negative cognitions that may be causing anxiety. Our anxiety therapists use multiple evidenced based therapy modalities to help alleviate anxiety symptoms. Treatments such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and EMDR helps release the grasp anxiety symptoms have on your body and mind while simultaneously helping you feel joy. Altogether, treatment can help you reclaim your life and further your healing process.

Begin Anxiety Therapy near Houston, The Woodlands, League City, and Midland.

Our therapists help you connect with your authentic self, operating from a place of self-love and personal growth. Accordingly, our process involves identifying and building existing strengths as well as evaluating behaviors that are not serving you. We utilize effective, research-based modalities suited to your personality and problem. In addition to anxiety therapy, we offer depression treatment, self-esteem therapy, EMDR therapy, and ADHD counseling.

Therapy Options for You

At our therapy practice locations in Houston-League City, The Woodlands, and Midland, TX, we help individuals feel comfortable and hopeful about their therapy process. Please contact us with questions or concerns. We offer a free consultation to assess how therapy can benefit you and help you feel peace and happiness again.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of therapy modalities do you use for anxiety treatment?

Different therapy approaches work in different ways to help with anxiety. I use therapies like CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to identify and change negative thought patterns, DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) to help with managing emotions, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to focus on accepting your thoughts and feelings, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to process past experiences that may be contributing to anxiety, and mindfulness techniques to stay grounded and present.

What are the main goals of anxiety treatment for adults, and how do you help achieve them?

The main goals are to reduce anxiety, improve your ability to manage stress, and help you feel more in control of your thoughts and emotions. I work with you to understand your unique triggers and develop personalized strategies to help you cope better and feel more at ease.

What happens if I don’t feel comfortable with the therapy approach we’re using?

It’s important that you feel safe and supported throughout your therapy journey. If a particular approach isn’t working for you, we can explore other methods, such as switching to a different therapy modality or finding new strategies that align better with your needs.

What tools or strategies will I learn to manage anxiety and improve my overall well-being?

You’ll learn a variety of tools and strategies, including CBT techniques to challenge negative thoughts, mindfulness exercises to stay present, DBT skills for managing emotions, and EMDR to process past experiences that may be contributing to your anxiety. These tools will help you build greater self-awareness and develop healthy ways to cope with stress.

How do you tailor therapy to my specific needs and goals?

We take a personalized approach, focusing on what matters most to you. By understanding your unique experiences, strengths, and goals, we’ll create a treatment plan that reflects your specific needs. This ensures that we focus on what works best for you, helping you move toward healing and growth.

Make the Next Step!

1 Reach Out

Schedule a free consultation by texting or calling 281-819-0308 or filling out the form below to learn more about us, ask questions, and see if you would like to move forward!

2 Begin The Healing

Experience the healing experience of therapy, where you can show up just as you are knowing we will do the same!

3 Discover Meaningful Support & Goals on your Treatment Plan

Begin leaving a peaceful and fulfilling life you deserve- free from past pain & connecting with who you were meant to be!