Do you tend to find yourself in similar relationship dynamics where you feel like you’re pulling the weight, your boundaries are not respected, and it is hard to feel important? You may be struggling with codependency, also known as anxious attachment.

What is Codependency?

Codependency is a term often used in the context of being in a relationship with someone who abuses substances; however, there are many who suffer from codependency who are not. More so, a promising symptom is codependents choose to focus on others needs; which is why they attract individuals who are emotionally sick.

Another term for codependency is anxious attachment. The truth is our body is wired to securely attach to someone who is emotionally safe. Some of us grew up in homes that weren’t exactly emotionally nurturing, so our bodies had to adjust to survive. So our surviving attachment coping patterns had to cope somehow, and that is how anxious attachment is MOSTLY developed. I say mostly because not everything is black and white!

Signs of Codependency may Include:

Low Self-Esteem

People Pleasing

Poor Boundaries



Dysfunctional Communication


Problems with Intimacy

Painful Emotions


Codependency therapy heals through education – teaching you skills on how to handle emotional distress around relationships and trauma triggers. Often times, codependency stems from developmental trauma. As a result, we will be also processing the traumas that have impacted you.

This helps to regain your life and further you in your healing process.

Begin Codependency Therapy in Houston, The Woodlands, League City and Midland

Our therapists support and assist clients to connect with their authentic self and learn to love, not hate, themselves. Also, behaviors will be evaluated that are not currently working for them. We utilize multiple therapy modalities based on the client’s personality and problem. The therapy modalities are all research based and are showing success based on the particular problems and the client.

Contact us today and fill out the our contact form!